School Fee Repayment Calculator

Please note: This calculator is based on payments being made on a Friday with the last payment occurring on the first Friday of December.  These figures are to be used as a guideline only and may not accurately represent your individual payment arrangement.

Fee Calculator

Payment Details


1. Select payment year

The payment end date will be the first Friday in December of the selected year.


2. Enter the Total School Fees charged for the year as shown on your school fee statement.

This should include any outstanding fees from the previous year.


3. Enter the date of your first payment

Please allow sufficient time for the school to lodge Authorities, eg. direct debit or centrepay.


4. Enter any additional lump sum you wish to pay to reduce the periodical payments.



Payment Schedule

Note: All payments rounded up to the nearest dollar.

Final Payment Due:
Total Amount Payable:
Weekly Payments:
Fortnightly Payments:
Monthly Payments: