We would like to thank you for taking the time to inquire about a quality Catholic education at one of our 24 Primary and 5 Secondary schools. It is an important decision and we encourage you to ask many questions and choose the school that best mirrors your family’s needs and values.

In essence Catholic schools have been a major component of Australian education for over 175 years. From its humble beginnings, we are now the second biggest sector after government schools, with more than 760,000 students (which is around 20% of all school enrolments) and at last count we have 1728 schools across Australia.

If you decide to choose one of our schools, we would be delighted to welcome you to our family, and we can confidently say that the school you have selected will reflect your own values, beliefs and hopes as Australians. A school that will encourage and provide a basis for your child to seek to develop their own relationships with God and to continue their faith journey throughout their lives. A school that will encourage them to offer a voice which will question, challenge and reflect on their world in the light of Christ’s message. A school that will provide an educational foundation for life to the full; intellectually, spiritually, physically, morally and emotionally.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the enrolment process may look a little different from previous years.  During this time, our schools are finding innovative ways to assist you in making your decision by providing virtual tours, online information sessions and other strategies to share information with our prospective families. If you are interested in your child being part of one of our schools, we hope that you take the next step and contact your local Catholic school directly to find out what that process may look like for you.

Parenthood is a remarkable gift and a great challenge, and we are honoured to support and accompany you on this incredible journey.

The Catholic School Difference

Educating the whole child

The teachers and staff in their Catholic schools are committed to helping each student grow towards reaching their full potential and to become active contributors to their local and global communities both as good citizens and as leaders.

Catholic schools offer holistic care for each child by addressing their intellectual, spiritual, social, physical, emotional and cultural development.

Their aim is to equip students to become lifelong, independent learners and to search for meaning and relevance in a complex and challenging world.


Catholic schools are called to be of service to their local communities.

They invite families from all backgrounds or faith traditions, who are committed to and supportive of the mission of Catholic education to enrol their child in one of their schools.

Low fee paying

While these schools are significantly funded by government, parent contributions are a fundamental aspect of their ability to operate.

Fee discounts apply when siblings also attend Catholic systemic schools in the Diocese.

Fees are kept as low as possible for families and significantly no child would ever be precluded from a Catholic education due to a genuine inability to meet scheduled fees.

A partnership

These schools are based on quality interpersonal relationships, respectful of the dignity and worth of each person.

Catholic education is based on the notion of an educational partnership between students, school, parents and parish.

Your child’s Catholic school is your Catholic school too.

They welcome parent involvement in all facets of school life and encourage parents to actively support and engage in their child’s learning and development.

High quality teaching

Catholic schools strive for excellence in all areas, encouraging students to use their gifts and talents to reach their potential as learners and contributing members of church and society.

The schools are staffed by well qualified and professional teachers, dedicated to providing high-quality learning experiences in a supportive environment.

Students in Catholic schools can achieve excellent academic results and are provided with modern facilities, including state of the art technologies.

Safe and secure

The schools strive to create an environment where students can feel safe, secure and included.

Bullying and harassment are not acceptable in Catholic schools and there are policies and procedures in place to effectively handle these issues when they arise.

Enrol Today!

To find out more, we welcome you to contact your local Catholic school directly or to fill out the form below.

Enrol Now - Expression of Interest
Residential Address