What is Modern Slavery?

Modern slavery is a global issue that involves the exploitation and coercion of individuals for economic gain. It encompasses practices such as forced labour, debt bondage, human trafficking, and child labour, among others. These violations of human rights deprive individuals of their freedom, dignity, and well-being, and they are unfortunately prevalent in various industries worldwide, including agriculture, manufacturing, construction, and even within the supply chains of many organisations.

The Act defines modern slavery as including eight types of serious exploitation:

  • Trafficking in persons
  • Slavery
  • Servitude
  • Forced marriage
  • Forced labour
  • Debt bondage
  • Deceptive recruiting for labour or services, and
  • The worst forms of child labour (situations where children are subjected to slavery or similar practices, or engaged in hazardous work.)

Examples of at-risk suppliers include construction, cleaning, clothing (textiles), food, information technology, and overseas travel to undertake charitable activities.

The infographic below shows how prevalent the issue of modern slavery is.

Our commitment to justice, compassion, and the dignity of every human being drives us to be part of the solution. We invite our entire community to join us in our efforts to combat modern slavery, raise awareness, and make a positive impact on this critical issue. Together, we can work toward a world where every individual is free from exploitation and can live a life of dignity and opportunity.

For further information, please visit the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network (ACAN) website. ACAN supports Catholic entities to identify and manage modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains. It also assists Catholic entities and senior executives to report on these actions through preparation of annual Modern Slavery Statements as required by the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018.

Our Commitment to Eradicating Modern Slavery:

As a system of 29 schools within the Catholic Diocese of Wagga Wagga, we believe in the inherent worth and dignity of every person, which compels us to act against modern slavery in all its forms. Our commitment to eradicating modern slavery is reflected in the following key principles and actions:

  1. Education and Awareness:
    We recognise that awareness is the first step toward change. We are dedicated to educating our staff, students, and stakeholders about the issue of modern slavery, its manifestations, and the ways to identify and combat it.
  2. Ethical Supply Chains:
    We are committed to ensuring that our procurement practices and supply chains are free from modern slavery. We work closely with our suppliers and partners to ensure they adhere to ethical labor practices, and we hold them accountable for compliance.
  3. Reporting Mechanisms:
    We have established clear reporting mechanisms for any suspicions or concerns related to modern slavery. We encourage our community members to come forward with any information they may have, and we pledge to take appropriate action in response.
  4. Collaboration and Advocacy:
    We actively collaborate with local, national, and international organisations, as well as government agencies, to support anti-slavery initiatives. We also engage in advocacy efforts to raise awareness and promote policies that combat modern slavery.
  5. Continuous Improvement:
    We commit to regularly reviewing and enhancing our policies and procedures to ensure they align with best practices in the fight against modern slavery. We understand that this is an ongoing journey and are dedicated to constant improvement.

Our commitment to justice, compassion, and the dignity of every human being drives us to be part of the solution. We invite our entire community to join us in our efforts to combat modern slavery, raise awareness, and make a positive impact on this critical issue. Together, we can work toward a world where every individual is free from exploitation and can live a life of dignity and opportunity.

For further information, please visit the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Network (ACAN) website. ACAN supports Catholic entities to identify and manage modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains. It also assists Catholic entities and senior executives to report on these actions through preparation of annual Modern Slavery Statements as required by the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018.

St Josephine Bakhita

The 8th of February is the Feast Day of St Josephine Bakhita – the patron saint of victims of modern slavery and human trafficking.

On this day Catholics are encouraged to pray for all those affected by the crimes of modern slavery and human trafficking, and the people that volunteer and work to eradicate this crime.


We pray for the victims of human trafficking that they may be brought to freedom and rebuild their lives after the traumatic experiences they have suffered.

We pray that St Josephine Bakhita, sold into slavery as a child, intercedes with God for those trapped in a state of slavery so that they will be released from the shackles of captivity.

We pray for all those who are dedicated to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking that they will have the courage and strength to reach out and overcome challenges.

We pray that by our actions as consumers we always reject as gravely wrong any goods or services tainted with slavery.

We pray for our governments that their laws will protect victims of human trafficking and reject goods and services from sources associated with slavery and forced labour.

We pray that the Church will continue to defend and free victims of human trafficking and be a source of love, hope and faith to bring the vulnerable and enslaved to find healing for their wounds. Amen.

St Josephine Bakhita, Patron Saint of Slavery Victims, Pray for Us.